星期五, 8月 05, 2005

From: "聯會總幹事" <tsai1952@twbap.org.tw>
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 3:53 PM
Subject: digiBible> Some Biblical tools for your references..
> http://www.digibible.com/intro.html
> http://www2.ccim.org/~bible/hb5.html
> http://springbible.fhl.net/Bible2/cgic201/search100.html

星期二, 8月 02, 2005


星期日, 5月 08, 2005

5/15 禱告全球化 彰顯神榮耀 全省舉辦禱告聚會為台灣復興禱告



踏入五月,為準備5月15日的全球禱告日,全球的禱告氣氛都火熱起來,台灣也不例外。從5 月6日至15日,在各地舉行十天晝夜禱告,包括台北大衛會幕禱告中心【開放時間:5/6 07:00-5/15 07:00 (24小時)】、西門町禱告塔【開放時間:5/8 5:00-5/14 22:00 (24小時)】、台北靈糧堂24小時禱告中心【開放時間:5/6 -5/15 (24小時)】、高雄後勁教會【開放時間:5/6-5/8 (24小時)】等等。



全球禱告日由「國際禱告協會」(International Prayer Council)統籌,異象來自《使徒行傳》,致力動員各國中數百萬計的基督徒,「在同一日同聲祈求神國賜福列國,然後在基督?聯合成一個身體,進一步成?神應?禱告的器皿」。

星期五, 5月 06, 2005

美國「純全音樂」2004.8月來台 研習會信息分享 - 資料取自好消息雜誌2004.9月



聖經的原則 首先要知道的是:神創造我們來敬拜祂,如果求神教導我們如何敬拜,祂必指引。詩篇一百篇4至5節:「當稱謝進入他的門;當讚美進入他的院。當感謝他,稱頌他的名! 因為耶和華本為善。他的慈愛存到永遠;他的信實直到萬代。」神的兒女被創造來讚美神,也被命令來讚美祂。要進入神的同在別無它法,惟一的選擇─照祂的方式作。

「純全傳播」總裁暨執行長麥考門(Michael Coleman)說:「上帝已經在聖經中界定了敬拜的模式,我們理當效法聖經模式,即「感恩─讚美─敬拜」,以祂自己的話來向祂說話

Renewing Your Mind - 30 Day Archives

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04/30/2005 - Weekend
"Characteristics of Wisdom Literature" (Real | Win)
Series: Dust to Glory
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04/29/2005 - Friday
"Christ the Only Way" (Real | Win)
Series: Ultimate Issues
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04/28/2005 - Thursday
"His Word Is Truth" (Real | Win)
Series: Ultimate Issues
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04/27/2005 - Wednesday
"The God Who Is There" (Real | Win)
Series: Ultimate Issues
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04/26/2005 - Tuesday
"Only Two World Views" (Real | Win)
Series: Ultimate Issues
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04/25/2005 - Monday
"Five Errors - part 2" (Real | Win)
Series: War on the Word - Orlando 2002 Conference
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04/23/2005 - Weekend
"Joel, Micah and Habakkuk" (Real | Win)
Series: Dust to Glory
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04/22/2005 - Friday
"Five Errors - part 1" (Real | Win)
Series: War on the Word - Orlando 2002 Conference
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04/21/2005 - Thursday
"Rightly Dividing - part 2" (Real | Win)
Series: War on the Word - Orlando 2002 Conference
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04/20/2005 - Wednesday
"Rightly Dividing - part 1" (Real | Win)
Series: War on the Word - Orlando 2002 Conference
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04/19/2005 - Tuesday
"The Attack on the Bible - part 2" (Real | Win)
Series: War on the Word - Orlando 2002 Conference
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04/18/2005 - Monday
"The Attack on the Bible - part 1" (Real | Win)
Series: War on the Word - Orlando 2002 Conference
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04/16/2005 - Weekend
"Amos and Hosea" (Real | Win)
Series: Dust to Glory
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04/15/2005 - Friday
"Interpretation and Health of the Church" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/14/2005 - Thursday
"Church History and the Witness of Scripture" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/13/2005 - Wednesday
"Accommodation" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/12/2005 - Tuesday
"The Consistency of Scripture" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/11/2005 - Monday
"The Truthfulness of Scripture" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/09/2005 - Weekend
"Ezra and Nehemiah" (Real | Win)
Series: Dust to Glory
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04/08/2005 - Friday
"Infallibility and Truth" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/07/2005 - Thursday
"The Original Autographs" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/06/2005 - Wednesday
"Human Authors" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/05/2005 - Tuesday
"The Transmission of Scripture" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/04/2005 - Monday
"The Source of Scripture" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/02/2005 - Weekend
"Daniel" (Real | Win)
Series: Dust to Glory
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04/01/2005 - Friday
"Progressive Revelation" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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星期二, 5月 03, 2005

錯過三一神學院新約神學大師卡森 Dr. D. A. Carson神學與教牧講座的可訂購DVD

DA Carson
Knowing Christ: The I AM Sayings of Jesus
Airing May 2-6, 2005

In this new series, Dr. R.C. Sproul examines the apostle John?s record of the eight unique "I AM" sayings of Jesus, all of which are powerful expressions of His saving relationship to His people.

星期六, 4月 23, 2005

131 Christians Everyone Should Know



Five-time exile for fighting "orthodoxy"

Augustine of Hippo
Architect of the Middle Ages

John of Damascus
Image-conscious Arab

Reluctant bishop with a remarkable mind

Thomas Aquinas
The brilliant "dumb ox"

Martin Luther
Passionate reformer

John Calvin
Father of the Reformed faith

Jacob Arminius
Irenic anti-Calvinist

Jonathan Edwards
America's greatest theologian

Karl Barth
Courageous theologian

Evangelists and Apologists

Justin Martyr
Defender of the "true philosophy"

Clement of Alexandria
Theologian for the intelligentsia

Gregory Thaumaturgus
"The Wonder Worker"

Antony of Padua
"The hammer of heretics"

Blaise Pascal
Scientific and spiritual prodigy

George Whitefield
Sensational evangelist of Britain and America

Charles Finney
Father of American revivalism

Dwight L. Moody
Revivalist with a common touch

Billy Sunday
Salty evangelist

Billy Graham
Evangelist to millions

Pastors and Preachers

Ambrose of Milan
Most talented bishop of the early church

John Chrysostom
Early church's greatest preacher

Richard Baxter
Moderate in an age of extremes

John Newton
Reformed slave trader

Charles Simeon
Evangelical mentor and model

Lyman Beecher
Revivalist who moved with the times

Thomas Chalmers
Unrelenting advocate for the poor

John Nelson Darby
Father of dispensationalism

Charles Spurgeon
Finest nineteenth-century preacher

Harry Emerson Fosdick
Liberalism's popularizer

Musicians, Artists, and Writers

Rembrandt Harmensz Van Rijn
Dutch painter of the soul

Johann Sebastian Bach
"The Fifth Evangelist"

George Frideric Handel
Composer of Messiah

John Bunyan
Pilgrim who made progress in prison

Harriet Beecher Stowe
Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin

Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Russian novelist of spiritual depth

George MacDonald
Fabled Victorian writer

G.K. Chesterton
"Enormous" essayist, poet, writer

Dorothy Sayers
Mystery writer and apologist

C.S. Lewis
Scholar, author, and apologist


Dante Alighieri
Worldly creator of divine verse

Geoffrey Chaucer
Medieval England's greatest storyteller

John Donne
Poet of God's love

George Herbert
England's greatest religious poet

John Milton
Puritan author of Paradise Lost

Anne Bradstreet
America's first poet

Isaac Watts
Father of English hymnody

Charles Wesley
Greatest hymn writer of all time

Fanny Crosby
Prolific and blind hymn writer

T.S. Eliot
Modernist poet

Denominational Founders

Menno Simons
Anabaptist peacemaker

John Knox
Presbyterian with a sword

John Smyth
The "Se-Baptist"

George Fox
First Friend

Nikolaus von Zinzendorf
Christ-centered Moravian "brother"

John Wesley
Methodical pietist

Francis Asbury
Methodist on horseback

Richard Allen
Father of the American Methodist Episcopal Church

William Miller
Mistaken founder of Adventism

Alexander Campbell

Aimee Semple McPherson
Foursquare phenomenon

Movers and Shakers

Benedict of Nursia
Father of western monasticism

Bernard of Clairvaux
Medieval reformer and mystic

Founder of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans)

Francis of Assisi
Mystical founder of the Franciscans

John Wycliffe
Medieval "protestant"

Joan of Arc
Teenage war hero with visions

Ulrich Zwingli
Militant Swiss reformer

Ignatius of Loyola
Founder of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits)

Phoebe Palmer
Mother of the holiness movement

S?ren Kierkegaard
Christian existentialist


Irish missionary to Europe

Cyril and Methodius
Apostles to the Slavs

Francis Xavier
First missionary to Japan

Matthew Ricci
Controversial evangelist to China

John Eliot
Apostle to Native Americans

William Carey
Father of modern Protestant missions

David Livingstone
Missionary-explorer of Africa

Hudson Taylor
Faith missionary to China

Inner Travelers

Antony of Egypt
Greatest Desert Father

Hildegard of Bingen
Benedictine abbess, visionary, and writer

Catherine of Siena
Mystic and political activist

Thomas ? Kempis
Author of the most popular devotional classic

Teresa of Avila
Carmelite mystic and feisty administrator

John of the Cross
Spanish mystic of the soul's dark night

Brother Lawrence
Practitioner of God's presence

William Law
Champion of the serious, devout, and holy life

Andrew Murray
Leading student in Christ's school of prayer

Oswald Chambers
Preacher who gave his utmost


John Woolman
Quaker mystic and abolitionist

William Wilberforce
Antislavery politician

Elizabeth Fry
Prison reformer

Sojourner Truth
Abolitionist and women's rights advocate

Lord Shaftesbury (Antony Ashley Cooper)
Godly English statesman

William Gladstone
Prime Minister of impeccable morals

Harriet Tubman
The "Moses" of her people

Catherine Booth
Compelling preacher and co-founder of the Salvation Army

William Booth
First General of the Salvation Army

Walter Rauschenbusch
Champion of the social gospel


First Christian emperor

Theodosius I
Emperor who made Christianity "the" Roman religion

Justinian I and Theodora I
Greatest Byzantine rulers

Leo I
Pope and international diplomat

Gregory the Great
"Servant of the Servants of God"

Christian ruler of a "holy" empire

Innocent III
Warring "Vicar of Christ"

Louis IX
Saintly king of France

Henry VIII
Defender of the faith

Scholars and Scientists

Biblical scholar and philosopher

Eusebius of Caesarea
Father—and maker—of church history

Bible translator whose version lasted a millennium

The Venerable Bede
Father of English history

Pious humanist who sparked the Reformation

Nicholas Copernicus
Revolutionary astronomer

William Tyndale
Translator of the first English New Testament

John Foxe

Francis Bacon
Philosopher of science

Galileo Galilei
Misjudged astronomer


Ignatius of Antioch
Earliest post-New Testament martyr

Aged bishop of Smyrna

High society believer

Apostle to Germany

Thomas Becket
Murdered archbishop of Canterbury

John Huss
Pre-Reformation reformer

Thomas Cranmer
Genius behind Anglicanism

Nicholas Ridley and Hugh Latimer
English reformers who died together

Dietrich Bonhoeffer
German theologian and resister



卡森Dr. D. A. Carson)



  首要的危險就是:持續的否定論將危及靈命。當一個人以發現錯謬作為他的終身職志時,他正向毀滅邁進。他第一個會喪失的美德就是:感恩的心;感謝神所賜 予的美善事物,甚至相信在邪惡的事上仍有神的美旨和保守。第二個會喪失的美德則是謙遜;作為一個批評者,因為深深了解錯誤與乖謬的事(特別是別人的),難 免心生驕傲。驕傲並非基督徒的美德,但持續的否定主義助長驕傲。我並不認為神學生(更不用說神學院的講師了)能在此危險上免疫。

  另一方面,對那些已經不太有把握,或自認傳揚神全備聖旨既已重擔壓肩的人,類似的研究可能會使他們陷於更大的挫折裡,甚至使之絕望。稍微敏感的學生也 許會問:「假如解經存在著那麼多陷阱,我怎麼可能有把握自己對聖經的解釋是正確的?我如何才能防止自己不教導錯誤?如何才能避免將基督不曾教導的謬理強加 在祂的子民身上?或避免不刪除重要真理的危險?因著我的無知和解經疏漏,將帶給他人多少傷害呢?」

  對這些學生,我只能回應說:假如你不勇敢邁出第一步,從事目前所論的研究,其所產生的錯謬會比你遇到解經難題時才改善你的解經技術,犯下更多的錯誤。 這其中最大的差異在於:進行研究將使你察覺長期以來所犯的錯誤。假如你真心關心你的事奉品質,而不光是為了自己心理上的安全感,選擇逃避並非良策。無知也 許帶給人喜悅,但無知卻不是美德。



  天恩在高中時代成為基督徒,上大學後攻讀電腦;同時,他在教會竭力事奉,並在學生小組事奉上滿有果效。他常常禱告,心裡火熱,除了偶爾的靈?飢渴外, 他常在讀經時感覺神親自向他說話,雖然聖經有許多地方他不是很明白。他幾乎已決定成為全職事奉者,當地教會十分肯定他的恩賜與呼召,他在深切感到不足的情 況下,毅然踏上神學院的裝備之路。

  六個月之後,月換星移。天恩每天耗費多時背誦希臘文的時態變化,以及保羅第二次旅行佈道的行程細節,也開始學習寫解經報告;但等到他完成詞彙研究、句 型結構,以及各種綜覽和評析之後,神活潑的話語已不如往昔。為此他深受困擾,他感到禱告和作見證要比進神學院之前困難多了。他覺得非常納悶:他並不認為神 學院的老師有什麼錯,他們個個都相當虔誠,又有學問,且是成熟的信徒。

  隨著時光飛逝,天恩面臨如下的抉擇:他可以選擇退縮到敬虔主義的角落,對索然無味的學識加以否定;或者,他可以選擇捲進學術漩渦而失去真正的敬拜、見 證,以及對聖經的默想;尤有甚者,他可以苟延殘喘,期待畢業那日得到解脫,好讓自己回到真實的世界。除了上述的選擇,天恩有沒有更好的路可走?難道這些都 是神學生必經之路?

  對上述這些問題,我會直截了當地說:「是的!」上述的體驗對真正想要解經的人是必須的:這些都是「離距」感造成的。然而,理解「離距」的過程,卻能幫 助我們更加明白如何作出明智的回應。當我們嘗試用批判的方式去理解聖經的內容(或是某人的思想)──選擇據之以理,而不採取武斷的模式,找出作者本意── 我們就有必要先掌握作者和我們之間在經文上認知的距離。惟有這樣,我們才有可能將我們對聖經的了解,與聖經本要我們了解的意思融合起來──惟有如此,我們 的思想才會受聖經的思想所塑造,好使我們真正明白聖經的意思。在融合之前,未能保持健康的離距,就沒有所謂真正的融合可言:許多解經者所犯的毛病就是規避 「離距」,自以為明白聖經,其實大部分時候,他是將自己主觀的想法強加進經文裡。


  經歷「離距」是很辛苦的,且要付上許多代價。但我必須再次強調,「離距」本身不是目的,「離距」的最終目標,在融合不同的見解。倘若解經的工作是隨著 「離距」感而得到滋養,這樣的「離距」並非破壞性的。事實上,「離距」使基督徒的生命、信仰和思想更為健全壯碩,更具屬靈的警覺性、識別力,且更合乎聖 經,使人更具批判力。雖然在經歷「離距」的過程中隱含著危險:對於努力整合基督徒生命和委身間關係的人,本書中的討論會為你帶來豐碩的收穫;反之,放棄整 合的努力,將可能導致你的信仰瓦解。


新約神學大師 卡森 五月來台!

教牧講座 一 釋經講道
教牧講座 二 後現代的牧養

當 今福音派新約神學大師卡森 Dr. D. A. Carson,首次來台,將有七堂的神學講座、五堂教牧講座,以「復興:從回歸真理開始」為題,分別從「回歸基本真理」「釋經講道」和「後現代的牧養」這 三子題引領弟兄姊妹重新思想真理。卡森將在神學講座中,為我們逐章逐節講解《約翰壹書》,並分享其中的信息。我們誠意邀請您來與當代知名的新約神學大師相 遇,並分享這難得的屬靈饗宴。

以上各場都有Q&A時間,回應與討論:以中文進行。所有聚會均有網路直撥服務,各地連線點請參閱網站 http://www.ces.org.tw 費用:自由奉獻
聯絡電話:02-23659151轉分機 226


展出時間:2005年4月27日?5月1日 11:00?21:00

星期四, 4月 21, 2005

Renewing Your Mind - 30 day Archieves

30 Day Archives

04/19/2005 - Tuesday
"The Attack on the Bible - part 2" (Real | Win)
Series: War on the Word - Orlando 2002 Conference
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04/18/2005 - Monday
"The Attack on the Bible - part 1" (Real | Win)
Series: War on the Word - Orlando 2002 Conference
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04/16/2005 - Weekend
"Amos and Hosea" (Real | Win)
Series: Dust to Glory
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04/15/2005 - Friday
"Interpretation and Health of the Church" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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"Accommodation" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/11/2005 - Monday
"The Truthfulness of Scripture" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/09/2005 - Weekend
"Ezra and Nehemiah" (Real | Win)
Series: Dust to Glory
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04/08/2005 - Friday
"Infallibility and Truth" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/07/2005 - Thursday
"The Original Autographs" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/06/2005 - Wednesday
"Human Authors" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/05/2005 - Tuesday
"The Transmission of Scripture" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/04/2005 - Monday
"The Source of Scripture" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/02/2005 - Weekend
"Daniel" (Real | Win)
Series: Dust to Glory
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04/01/2005 - Friday
"Progressive Revelation" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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03/31/2005 - Thursday
"Human Language" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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03/30/2005 - Wednesday
"Revelation" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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03/29/2005 - Tuesday
"Scripture and Tradition" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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03/28/2005 - Monday
"The Authority of Scripture" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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03/26/2005 - Weekend
"Ezekiel" (Real | Win)
Series: Dust to Glory
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03/25/2005 - Friday
"The Extent of the Atonement" (Real | Win)
Series: Foundations
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03/24/2005 - Thursday
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Series: Saint Andrews Chapel Message
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03/23/2005 - Wednesday
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Series: Foundations
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03/22/2005 - Tuesday
"The New Geneva Study Bible and Inerrancy" (Real | Win)
Series: History of the New Geneva Study Bible
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03/21/2005 - Monday
"The History of the New Geneva Study Bible" (Real | Win)
Series: History of the New Geneva Study Bible
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03/19/2005 - Weekend
"The Exile" (Real | Win)
Series: Dust to Glory
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03/18/2005 - Friday
"R.C. Sproul and Burk Parsons Interview" (Real | Win)
Series: Interviews
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03/17/2005 - Thursday
"Is the Bible Reliable?" (Real | Win)
Series: Defending Your Faith
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03/16/2005 - Wednesday
"R.C. Sproul and Max McLean Interview" (Real | Win)
Series: Interviews
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