星期日, 5月 08, 2005

5/15 禱告全球化 彰顯神榮耀 全省舉辦禱告聚會為台灣復興禱告



踏入五月,為準備5月15日的全球禱告日,全球的禱告氣氛都火熱起來,台灣也不例外。從5 月6日至15日,在各地舉行十天晝夜禱告,包括台北大衛會幕禱告中心【開放時間:5/6 07:00-5/15 07:00 (24小時)】、西門町禱告塔【開放時間:5/8 5:00-5/14 22:00 (24小時)】、台北靈糧堂24小時禱告中心【開放時間:5/6 -5/15 (24小時)】、高雄後勁教會【開放時間:5/6-5/8 (24小時)】等等。



全球禱告日由「國際禱告協會」(International Prayer Council)統籌,異象來自《使徒行傳》,致力動員各國中數百萬計的基督徒,「在同一日同聲祈求神國賜福列國,然後在基督?聯合成一個身體,進一步成?神應?禱告的器皿」。

星期五, 5月 06, 2005

美國「純全音樂」2004.8月來台 研習會信息分享 - 資料取自好消息雜誌2004.9月



聖經的原則 首先要知道的是:神創造我們來敬拜祂,如果求神教導我們如何敬拜,祂必指引。詩篇一百篇4至5節:「當稱謝進入他的門;當讚美進入他的院。當感謝他,稱頌他的名! 因為耶和華本為善。他的慈愛存到永遠;他的信實直到萬代。」神的兒女被創造來讚美神,也被命令來讚美祂。要進入神的同在別無它法,惟一的選擇─照祂的方式作。

「純全傳播」總裁暨執行長麥考門(Michael Coleman)說:「上帝已經在聖經中界定了敬拜的模式,我們理當效法聖經模式,即「感恩─讚美─敬拜」,以祂自己的話來向祂說話

Renewing Your Mind - 30 Day Archives

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04/30/2005 - Weekend
"Characteristics of Wisdom Literature" (Real | Win)
Series: Dust to Glory
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04/29/2005 - Friday
"Christ the Only Way" (Real | Win)
Series: Ultimate Issues
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04/28/2005 - Thursday
"His Word Is Truth" (Real | Win)
Series: Ultimate Issues
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04/27/2005 - Wednesday
"The God Who Is There" (Real | Win)
Series: Ultimate Issues
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04/26/2005 - Tuesday
"Only Two World Views" (Real | Win)
Series: Ultimate Issues
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04/25/2005 - Monday
"Five Errors - part 2" (Real | Win)
Series: War on the Word - Orlando 2002 Conference
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04/23/2005 - Weekend
"Joel, Micah and Habakkuk" (Real | Win)
Series: Dust to Glory
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04/22/2005 - Friday
"Five Errors - part 1" (Real | Win)
Series: War on the Word - Orlando 2002 Conference
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04/21/2005 - Thursday
"Rightly Dividing - part 2" (Real | Win)
Series: War on the Word - Orlando 2002 Conference
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04/20/2005 - Wednesday
"Rightly Dividing - part 1" (Real | Win)
Series: War on the Word - Orlando 2002 Conference
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04/19/2005 - Tuesday
"The Attack on the Bible - part 2" (Real | Win)
Series: War on the Word - Orlando 2002 Conference
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04/18/2005 - Monday
"The Attack on the Bible - part 1" (Real | Win)
Series: War on the Word - Orlando 2002 Conference
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04/16/2005 - Weekend
"Amos and Hosea" (Real | Win)
Series: Dust to Glory
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04/15/2005 - Friday
"Interpretation and Health of the Church" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/14/2005 - Thursday
"Church History and the Witness of Scripture" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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"Accommodation" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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"The Consistency of Scripture" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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"The Truthfulness of Scripture" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/09/2005 - Weekend
"Ezra and Nehemiah" (Real | Win)
Series: Dust to Glory
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04/08/2005 - Friday
"Infallibility and Truth" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/07/2005 - Thursday
"The Original Autographs" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/06/2005 - Wednesday
"Human Authors" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/05/2005 - Tuesday
"The Transmission of Scripture" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/04/2005 - Monday
"The Source of Scripture" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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04/02/2005 - Weekend
"Daniel" (Real | Win)
Series: Dust to Glory
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04/01/2005 - Friday
"Progressive Revelation" (Real | Win)
Series: Thus Says the Lord: Defending the Inerrancy of Scripture
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星期二, 5月 03, 2005

錯過三一神學院新約神學大師卡森 Dr. D. A. Carson神學與教牧講座的可訂購DVD

DA Carson
Knowing Christ: The I AM Sayings of Jesus
Airing May 2-6, 2005

In this new series, Dr. R.C. Sproul examines the apostle John?s record of the eight unique "I AM" sayings of Jesus, all of which are powerful expressions of His saving relationship to His people.